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gordon g 06-11-12 11:55

My photo of the week
In the light of all the discussions about POTW, I thought I would start a thread going on personal choices for POTW. The only 'rules' I would add are that you should only choose one image from the last seven days' postings in the gallery, it shouldnt be your own work and you should explain why it appeals to you.
So here goes: my personal POTW is here:

It appeals to me mainly because of its depiction of a pastoral idyll - the patchwork fields with copses of trees in autumn coluors, a quiet road winding through the scene and a cottage tucked under the hill. It conjures a wonderful sense of timelessness - remove a few telegraph poles and it could be any time in the last 100 years. The grazing sheep enliven the foreground and give a sense of the landscape in use, as a living scene.
Compositionally, the areas of woodland and the road divide the for and mid-ground in a well-balanced and harmonious way, with the distant hill on the left horizon giving a sense of the greater landscape around the image. Although the light is strong and contrasty, this doesnt detract from the scene as there is still plenty of detail and rich colour. The cloud details in the sky just finish it off nicely.

Tugboat 06-11-12 19:16

are you going from the Monday to Sunday midnight? I am on a different time and often get mixed up with it all.....
you certainly have a way with words Gordon and go into great detail ...this will be an interesting thread as beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we all have our different views....

gordon g 06-11-12 19:47

Yes, running it on a calendar week makes sense - but it doesnt need to be rigid. I'm more interested in people having an oppurtunity to tell us all why an image works for them. And it doesnt have to be just one person posting per week - I would like this to be an open thread for anyone to tell us what their POTW is.
I hope we get a variety of perspectives on different styles and types of image

Tugboat 07-11-12 10:53

this is my personal choice for POTW..I love the composition the way the open gate leads the viewer into the image,I am also a sucker for reflections.

gordon g 12-11-12 09:50

My photo of the week 12/11/12
This is it!

This image itself is very simple - just a narrowboat chimney with backlit smoke. It isnt so much the image itself that makes this my favourite this week, but what it evokes. Most of my childhood holidays were spent on a narrowboat touring the canals and navigations of the Midlands and north of England, so this image brings back memories of the smell of wood smoke from the stove, the throbbing of the engine carried through the hull when we were moving and the whisper of water passing under the bows. At this time of year, you could sit on the roof of the engine room, with your legs warm inside the hatch and a mix of frost and smoke in the air, watching the world pass by at a gentle walk.
So, this is one of those images that might not mean much to some, but resonates with me...

Gidders 12-11-12 11:45

Thanks Gordon :)

Tugboat 13-11-12 06:30

my personal favorite for POTW for the past week ending Sunday midnight.

I find it a very striking shot, love the long shadows and know it is a hard type of shot to take.

Gidders 13-11-12 10:28

My choice

I love the hi key aspect of it and the way the photographer has used his imagination to create something different

omalanrf 13-11-12 11:18

gidders, and all, I just want you to know that, thats not my work!! I just took 2 pictures from the net and used cs6 for the Photo Proverb Section on the above photo of gidders. I never thought it would be picked for potw...edited "I have also deleted the photo now as well"

gordon g 13-11-12 21:20

I nearly picked the same image as you Trena, but while I enjoyed the structure of the image and admired the technique and organisation it takes to make such an image (I have tried to do the same many times and failed), it didnt touch me in the same way as Clive's image.
Glad this is taking off - it is interesting to see what other photographers' choices are.

davet47 15-11-12 18:43

POTW-Gordon G
Thanks Gordon for picking my "Autumn Scene" photo as your personal POTW. This is a local scene to me and I was out trying out my new Canon SX240HS compact-results are quite promising so far (and this from a Nikon DSLR user!)


Tugboat 20-11-12 10:27

my personal favorite for the past week is "like my hat?" by Paullangford.

I just love everything about this shot, the fern caught up on his head, the tongue sticking out, beautiful bokeh & stunning light..... just makes me smile when I look at it...makes me feel good.

gordon g 20-11-12 12:16

My photo of the week 12.11.12

I dont usually go for urban landscapes, but this is such a powerful (no pun intended) image. I love the monotone treatment with dense shadows giving strength and structure to the building, and the small lights providing highlights. The plume of smoke is very well placed, streaming across to link with the steam from the cooling towers. In all, it has immediate impact, but then gives enough detail to reward a longer look.
The image gives a feel for the impact of the power station - both generating power and pollution. Definately one I will come back to again...

Tugboat 20-11-12 19:57

another great choice Gordon, I also love that image...there were 3 or 4 I had to choose from this week.

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