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yelvertoft 29-05-09 20:15

Which camera should I buy?
Presumably due to the Digital Camera magazine ads, we seem to be getting the usual question a few times now. I've put together this article:

“Which camera should I buy?”

This is a question that gets asked many, many times on just about every photography forum on the web. I’ll attempt to answer it here.

“Should I buy a Canon or a Nikon?”

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but if that’s the limitation of your thinking, then the answer is a simple “Yes”. Both brands are good, any model from either brand is perfectly capable of producing perfectly good pictures. If you think that using equivalent models from either Canon or Nikon will make any difference to your ability as a photographer, then you are misguided. You may say that “My mate had a [insert name of camera to praise here] and it took brilliant pictures. My other mate had a [insert name of camera to rubbish here] and all his pictures were rubbish in comparison.” My response to that is that the first mate you mentioned was a better photographer. Give the camera used by mate 1 to mate 2, and mate 2 will still probably take rubbish pictures.

No camera will compose and frame an image for you. No camera will advise you about the quality of the lighting or the timing of the shot. No camera will tell you when the expression of the portrait sitter is “just right”. These are the things that make an image great. Only you can make these decisions before you press the button, the knowledge of how to do this well will come largely from practice, experience and exposing yourself (bad pun) to the work of others. There is no substitute – effort in equals results out. The camera will not do the work for you regardless of how much money you spent on it.

So, which camera should you buy? Again, sorry if this sounds unhelpful, but only you can answer that question. Every photographer is different, they have different styles, different abilities, different needs and different preferences. If you’re asking “which camera?” type questions, then I think it’s a fair assumption that you’re just starting out down the serious camera route and do not have a wealth of experience behind you, otherwise, why would you need to ask the question? It’s important to buy a camera that doesn’t get in the way of your ability to use it. What do I mean by that? Well, I have one friend who got rid of his Nikon D200 and moved to a camera with a much simpler set of user options. Why? Because the wealth of customisable features got in the way of his photography; he felt overwhelmed by the choices presented and needed to get a camera with a much simpler user interface. “You don’t need to use all the options, even if they are there” I hear some of you cry. Perfectly true. You can then end up like another friend who has a Canon 5D but only ever uses it for family/holiday snaps in ‘fully auto everything’ point and shoot mode. The salesman must have loved it when he walked in.

For someone looking for their first serious camera, it’s important to get a camera that YOU can use effectively without a whole bunch of features you don’t want getting in the way. If you feel overwhelmed by the options and user settings, then you’re going to be put off using the camera. If you’re put off from using it, you’re not going to become a good photographer.

Remember, for all a camera’s technical features and capabilities, ultimately, for a given set of user inputs, any camera is essentially changing a very small number of parameters
i) point of focus
ii) aperture
iii) shutter speed
iv) effective ISO
Every dSLR is still only changing these same variables, the difference is that every camera can go about doing it in a variety of different ways. Every photographer will have their own preferred way of achieving their desired settings and how one person does this may well be very different to another. What works for one person may well not work for you, and vice versa. Just because one person expresses an opinion that a particular model is brilliant because it has a particular feature, does not mean that feature will actually be any use to YOU. Even the most humble entry level dSLR has a range of features that will remain unused by most. Once you’ve developed a particular style of photography, you’ll probably only use a small subset of your camera’s features. Which subset you use will almost certainly be different to the set used by others.

Today’s dSLRs are all perfectly capable of producing stunning images. How these images are achieved varies from one photographer to the next, the important point is that the user had the skill, and more usually, the imagination, to capture the image. With few exceptions, the same image could have been captured by the same photographer using a different model of camera. There are exceptions to this, but from the material we see here on WPF I’d say the exceptions are few and far between.

The points to consider when choosing your dSLR are:

Price vs. your needs. If you’re only going to take family/holiday snaps, ask yourself “Do I really need a Canon 5D?” It’s entirely up to you to decide what you spend your money on, and if you’re happy to drop £2,500 on a camera for family/holiday snaps, then that’s your choice. Just don’t try and convince me that it will turn your snaps into commercial/artistic masterpieces. You may be better off buying an entry level model and spending the cash you’ve saved on another family holiday. Doing that, you’re going to get more use out of your camera on holiday, which will probably make you a better photographer in the long run, and have the benefit of spending quality time with your family.

Do I get on with the user interface? Probably the most important single thing to consider IMHO, but not something you can quantify on a spec sheet. What works for one person may not work for someone else, the user interface is a very subjective thing. Because it’s not quantifiable as a marketing feature, it’s something that is often overlooked by people doing their research on the internet. “Should I buy model X or model Y? I can’t make my mind up between these two.” is the usual question. Someone has done the research and narrowed the choice down to two. Good start. Once you’ve got it down to two models that are so close that you can’t decide, then you have to go and get your hands on them. Once you’ve held them in your hands, used the controls, seen how easy it is to select the features and modes that you want to use, it may become blindingly obvious which model is the one to go for. At this point, you may also find that you don’t get on with either of your two choices shortlisted. If this is the case, don’t be afraid to look at something else. If you don’t get on with the controls, using them the way YOU want to use them, then you won’t be encouraged to get out there and use the camera.

What features does each brand have relative to the kind of photography you want to do? When you buy a particular brand of camera, you are very much buying into a photographic system. This can result in quite a significant investment over time and make it a major decision to change brands once you’ve built up a lot of kit. Think about the kind of lenses you’re going to want to use, are they available in the focal lengths/apertures you need. Think about add-ons such as flashguns, or other accessories, are they available in the system I’m looking at if I need a particular feature/accessory?

But which one should I buy? Really, don’t get so hung up about it. If you really, really can’t decide after considering all of the above, then you’re thinking along the wrong lines. If the choice between buying either camera X or camera Y, after taking everything into account, is so close, then you’re just going to have to make a decision. Regardless of which model you chose, bear in mind it’s YOU that takes the photo, not the camera. Your decision on when to press the button will have far more impact on the results you produce than the badge on the front of the tool you are using.

Whichever model you end up buying, get out there and use it. It’s what cameras are made for.

Moonlighter 02-06-09 19:36

a profound guide for beginners..

andy153 02-06-09 20:44

Excellent Duncan. Superb advice for all asking that question and a great summary of the help many have given over the years.

Birdsnapper 02-06-09 20:47

Very well put, Duncan. Can I add that nobody should get hung up on megapixels. A 6mp camera will do a very good job, whilst 8mp will deliver images that are sufficient for most amateurs who do not do any severe cropping, and 10mp is generally more than you NEED.

gordon g 02-06-09 22:43

I agree with all the above. I would add that you should always consider the secondhand market. Lots of people get caught up in the upgrade race - another bonus for the salesman - and trade in perfectly capable cameras when a new model comes out. Buying a secondhand body will save you some cash to spend on good lenses, which is where it will really make a difference. (But that's a whole other story!)

graham harcombe 04-06-09 06:23

Thanks Duncan for an excellent letter. Quite understandably you address dSLR only as that is, of course, the preferred option for most 'serious' enthusiasts.

The biggest hurdle for attaining the goal of good quality equipment is a financial one and many camera manufacturers produce a range that embraces compacts, the so-called bridge range (mega-zooms included) before reaching the more expensive dSLR range.

So what do you lose when opting to purchase a lower-end camera? Ignoring the technical comparisons which are legion, I feel that the following points represent the 'tangible loss' that one has to consider:-

(a) speed range; can't freeze shot anything faster than a pedestrian.

(b) light tolerance; poor light, poor shot. That may well include limited flash coverage in that the low-power built in flash is inadquate for all but a small arc and range.

(c) depth of field settings: maybe some can provide this control, but most do not.

And is there anything to gain? Well, apart from the cash aspect, it is a smaller bundle to carry protect and 'hide'. Plus there are no extra bits of kit to carry around. A further consideration - which is very close to my heart - is that they are replaceable. My wife and I live aboard an ocean going yacht and electronics usually need replacing regularly due to the salty atmosphere.

Next is to ask ones-self "can I live with these limitations and save money".

Summary: There is no comparison between a half decent dSLR and a 'compact' type. But there is a perfectly valid and rewarding photographic world out there for those owing cameras in the cheaper end of the market.

colorz 23-06-09 12:24

maybe check a sigma dp-1, great photos

yelvertoft 26-07-09 10:20

An opinion from Benjamin Kanarek, a highly published top fashion photographer:

Benjamin Kanarek 27-07-09 20:34

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by yelvertoft (Post 37864)
An opinion from Benjamin Kanarek, a highly published top fashion photographer:

Wow...Isn't it great to be famous for being well known...:)

yelvertoft 27-07-09 21:31


Originally Posted by Benjamin Kanarek (Post 37887)
Wow...Isn't it great to be famous for being well known...:)

Hello Ben,

A very warm welcome to WPF.

Benjamin Kanarek 27-07-09 21:42


Originally Posted by yelvertoft (Post 37888)
Hello Ben,

A very warm welcome to WPF.

We'll see how you feel next month...When the Honey Moon is over :)

knoxrj 12-08-09 20:28

Learning curve
I've owned a Canon 300d for over 5 years and to be honest never really got out of the 'P' mode. I know about aperture, shutter speed etc but didn't want to ruin shots by making mistakes in the settings (maybe some embarassment aswell standing fiddling with the camera for too long came into it)

I bought a G10 a week ago, and because the controls are on knobs rather than in menus, and I can see their effect in the LCD while framing, I have it set to Av mode most of the time, adjust ISO when I need to and have even played with exposure compensation!

I'm not saying that the G10 is the camera for everyone, but I think that learners would benefit by choosing a camera with a LiveView LCD and functions that can be changed without needing to search through menus. Maybe more modern dslr's meet these criteria, but the 300d certainly didn't for me.

I do now feel more inclined to play with these functions on the 300d and hope to use both cameras a lot more in the future.


yelvertoft 13-08-09 12:22


Originally Posted by knoxrj (Post 38308)
I can see their effect in the LCD while framing,

Really? I'm not sure if I've understood this statement. Are you suggesting you can see the effect of changing shutter speed and aperture on the final resulting picture as you adjust the controls before you press the shutter release button?

postcardcv 13-08-09 12:46


Originally Posted by yelvertoft (Post 38316)
Really? I'm not sure if I've understood this statement. Are you suggesting you can see the effect of changing shutter speed and aperture on the final resulting picture as you adjust the controls before you press the shutter release button?

I guess he's refering to the way that you can see how exposure adjustments will effect the final image. With my G9 the image on the LCD does give a clear indication of DOF and exposure. If you adjust the aperture then the change in DOF is viasble on the screen, likewise if you alter the metering mode or exposure comp the effects are visable. The effect of shutter speed on stopping motion blur cannot be shown, so you just have to get the hang of that.

Echoes 16-09-09 18:52

Hi to all,
I´m just a newbee in this, and I have few questions about digital cameras for about 300 eur.
Canon is my first love.
I have right now only the cheap one- Ixus 4.0, few years old, and I am satisfied.
Just, I´ve notice, for a nice photo I have to have lots of light ( for nature and landscapes) ex.

I planning to buy new one, also Ixus but 990, because it´s small and you can allways put it in the pocket wherever you go. Quality is, I think, like all Canon, very good, and most important on this one is 5x optical zoom.
So, if someone can tell me few nice words about other dig. cameras this type, or this is
best choice right now( for cca. 300Eur)

The Mediterranean as it once was;;

Alex1994 16-09-09 20:47

Yes, having lots of light helps, especially since you can't fill landscapes with flash.

What you mean is the 'contre-jour' or backlight effect. This is basically where light is coming mostly from behind the subject and this tricks the camera's exposure meter into thinking there is enough light for a good exposure although the subject is not well lit.

What you want to use in that instance is the spot meter; this is where the camera measures light on a tiny spot, usually the middle. What you do is you put the camera into spot meter mode (my IXUS 75 has it so the 990 must have it too), aim the centre at the backlit building, press to focus, recompose the picture and shoot. You will end up with a slightly overexposed sky but a more or less correctly lit building ;-)

If you take pictures just for the hell of it then the Ixus 990 will be enough. However, if you want to try something a bit more higher-level, artistic where a more versatile camera is needed, you ought to be looking at a big SLR.

Are the pictures on yours?

johnjong1976 17-09-09 07:53

Hi all, i am a newbie on photography and got my very first camera weeks ago.. a compact camera : samsung WB550.

i was told that whatever type or high end of camera could not produce a stunning picture, but end of the day it is the the skills of the photographer.

could someone advise or oppinion. Thanks

Echoes 17-09-09 09:33

Are the pictures on yours?[/quote]
no, from friend of mine.
Here are few mine

Thank you very much for your advice and help

yelvertoft 17-09-09 11:11


Originally Posted by johnjong1976 (Post 38932)
i was told that whatever type or high end of camera could not produce a stunning picture, but end of the day it is the the skills of the photographer.

could someone advise or oppinion. Thanks

Absolutely right. This was the point I was trying to make with the first post in this thread. Give the best camera in the world to a bad photographer, and they will still produce bad photos.

gaz 19-01-10 09:50


For someone looking for their first serious camera, it’s important to get a camera that YOU can use effectively without a whole bunch of features you don’t want getting in the way. If you feel overwhelmed by the options and user settings, then you’re going to be put off using the camera. If you’re put off from using it, you’re not going to become a good photographer.
This is so true - I have owned 3 DSLR's in a space of 4 months because 2 of the models i just could not get along with as the features made taking pictures complicated to me which in itself was taking the enjoyment away from it.

Alex1994 19-01-10 17:15

The features you need on an SLR are:

1: Nice big viewfinder. This is where you compose the photo after all, you'll be looking in there all the time.

2: Back in the day a decent shutter was necessary, though these days it's all electronic. Good ISO range and performance throughout the range is important.

3: Provision for a decent lens that fits your budget. Shouldn't be an issue with major manufacturers.

Anything else is purely ancillary and depends a lot more on preference e.g. someone who travels a lot may want a smaller/lighter camera. But the basics are up there.

miketoll 19-01-10 17:47

I take lots of shots on a compact (Canon Ixus 950) which has been a great little pocket camera. I also have a couple of Canon DSLR and various lenses and what this gives me over the compact is options. Low light, fast shooting (8fps) more flash options and of course a wide selection of focal length. The other thing the DSLR gives is control so there is much more control of depth of field and shutter speed effects and of course at the end of the day higher technical quality. Will a DSLR make you a better photographer? NO. What it does is open up different types of photography, sometimes making the impossible possible or far easier. I like both types of camera, horses for courses. Oh yes, it can be very satisfying and fun to learn how to use the DSLR and explore those possibilities.

juanodaxis 15-08-10 22:28


Originally Posted by gaz (Post 41300)
This is so true - I have owned 3 DSLR's in a space of 4 months because 2 of the models i just could not get along with as the features made taking pictures complicated to me which in itself was taking the enjoyment away from it.

Hi Gaz. Just out of curiosity, what did you end up with?

rubin 07-11-10 18:53

Thanks yelvertoft for your post! I also want to know this! I'm new here. Also I'm a new photographer. I'm so much interested in photography. Although I have a old camera but I want to buy a new camera, So it will help me a lot. Thanks again :)

Benjamin Kanarek 07-11-10 19:32


Originally Posted by rubin (Post 46305)
Thanks yelvertoft for your post! I also want to know this! I'm new here. Also I'm a new photographer. I'm so much interested in photography. Although I have a old camera but I want to buy a new camera, So it will help me a lot. Thanks again :)

You are welcome!

TR3K 07-08-11 13:19

So should I buy a Canon 1000d or a Nikon d3000 ?

Just kidding as someone looking to buy there first DSLR I found your post very informative, after trying out a few different brands I'm leaning towards Canon.

Ade G 16-03-14 16:48

I have an analogy that may or may not apply. I have been riding mountain bikes for 25yrs, for some reason people often ask my advice on whether brand X or model Y is any good. I usually say there are no bad bikes out there now a days.. Just different price brackets. You get different specs for each budget. At the cheaper end it may well not do what you want (ride down serious mountains or even ride round a trail center) or last too long if used frequently.

I usually say first thing is consider your budget and within reason stick to it (its easy to get carried away).

Consider your level of experience, little point starting with top of the range if you're just starting out.

Consider what you want to do with it and how often you will use it. Don't spend a fortune on something you will only use occasionally (is it a fad?)

I guess the same applies to cameras (or any other pastime for that matter)

I currently own my 1st digital camera (Canon G12) purchased a year ago on Ebay. I have decided I will be buying my 1st DSLR this year. Hopefully I will be taking my own & other sensible advice on this thread!!

Gidders 16-03-14 22:31

Great analogy

Zebieylin 22-07-19 17:37

hello dear all,

Well, I'm stuck in a photographic mid-live crisis! Despite being an all-analog camera junkie since the last 5 years, I must admit that I just can't find the time to process , edit, print, scan etc ..all my films. Also, after 5 years of film only cameras, I see myself enjoying my girlsfriend x100 very much! (seeing directly the picture you just made, tweaking your exposure or reframing on the spot if it doesn't do it, is actually quite nice...)
So, I decided to sell some of my stuff (including some nice MF cameras etc) to buy a digital camera

So, I'm thinking of 3 cameras right now:

Sony RX1

Pros: Full Frame, compact, 35mm
It doesn't bother being a single lens camera, as I'm used to mostly shoot with one 35mm lens anyway.


Expensive, would have to sell a lot of cameras (including my leicas) to afford it..

Ricoh GRD:
pros : very compact
cons: 28mm focal lens (I like 35 better),

Fuji Xe1:
pros :compatible with my leica lenses
cons: not as much resolution as a rx1
( I would have the option to print very large if I intend to...)

Of cours digital Leica would be my prefered choice,. But I think those are just overpriced right now...
What do you think? What would be your choice?

Amane_Sgfm 08-10-19 21:36

Which camera is better!
Hello, everybody! The description is perfect. But there are cameras of the same developer and almost the same features. Which is better: this one or this Thanks for answer!

AlexPlast 07-02-20 13:31

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