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cuddy 26-12-05 14:04

Photography clubs
As a newcomer to the photography world the jargon / equipment / technique are very daunting to me.

Would it be worthwhile joining a club, are raw beginners welcomed or viewed as a pest.

Any viewpoints will be welcomed, in birding i found that when i started a few local lads took me under their wing and my progression was fast so would a mentor be the best route.

Of course just getting out there and having a bash might be fun, as making mistakes is a good way of learning.

Regards Brian.

Canis Vulpes 26-12-05 14:13


WPF is a large photograph club in itself. Here newcomers are welcome and not viewed as a pest.

Please feel free to post photos, ask questions or critique.

Photography is taught often at evening classes, but is not that hard and jargon is quickly picked up.

Adey Baker 26-12-05 14:15

I've never been a member of a photo club but I've read numerous comments on clubs in the photographic press over the years.

Some clubs are obviously better than others at encouraging newcomers - others seem more concerned with competitions (usually won by the same few names!) or 'slide-battles' with neighbouring clubs!

So it's probably down to whereabouts you live whether there'll be a good club, locally.

I agree that going out and learning by your own mistakes is often the best way of really learning 'on the job' so to speak!

Perhaps we could have a 'Sticky' thread with regular photographic terms defined...

Canis Vulpes 26-12-05 14:18


Originally Posted by Adey Baker
Perhaps we could have a 'Sticky' thread with regular photographic terms defined...

A great idea, a glossary of photographic terms

I'll see what I can do!

windyridge50 26-12-05 14:59

I've been a member of various clubs for over 35 years. They are variable, some are run by a bunch of techno freaks who are obsessed only with winning competitions, others are more like social clubs where people with similalr interests meet. I am currently programme secretary for my current club and believe me, putting together something that suits everybody, is a right headache.

I have always taken the view that new members often join to learn the basics of photography and we do run digital evenings quite separately from the normal club evenings we also have separate small group meetings to teach everything from digital to how to gain RPS and PAGB disitnctions, but all clubs don't have similar views. The best thing is to go along to a club evening and introduce yourself and see if you like it, nothing ventured nothing gained :-)

windyridge50 26-12-05 15:02

PS meant to add this link to the PAG web site which lists most camera clubs in the UK if you follow the various area links

Don Hoey 26-12-05 19:06


Originally Posted by cuddy
As a newcomer to the photography world the jargon / equipment / technique are very daunting to me.

Regards Brian.

Brian you will be able to get lots of help here. Post questions on any topic you like and there will be someone out there who will be able to help.

Duncan under the name of yelvertoft is posting info with newcomers to the hobby in mind in the General Photography Techniques.

I am doing a similar thing with flash.

As the Forum has only been going for a couple of weeks, and these things take time, these info threads will grow over the next few weeks.

So if you cannot find an immediate answer to your question do a post, we are all here for each other.


Ron Clark 16-01-06 14:16

My own experience with a local camera club was rather mixed really. Yes, I was made welcome but it's a fairly small club with less than 20 members and the most that ever attended was about 10 or 11. My major crib was with the competitions. One member used to come in with a large portfolio of photos, have a look at what every one else had put up and then decided what he would put up. The other case thing was with another member who entered a photo that I felt sure I’d seen before but couldn’t remember where. A few days later I was looking at a holiday brochure (or dream mag as I call them), and there it was – a picture taken to so one of the places for a Norwegian cruise. The next meeting I asked the guy if he enjoyed his visit to Norway and he said that he’d never been there … opps … … … …

As it was Jan and I were due to move away from the area just after that so that was the last time I attended the club.


Nogbad 17-01-06 14:19

My own experience so far has been quite good. I was made to feel welcome and as a complete novice encouraged to bring in photos for the competitions whether I thought they were good or not.

As for learning techniques, it's not really geared up that way, though having said that we are having a meeting soon on portraits and still life. It's a bring you camera and tripod and have a go session.

I am one of those people who want to just get out of photography as much as I can and be happy with the photographs I produce. So I use the club for criticism both from members and from visiting judges ( dont take what they say to heart or you'll never take another photo again!).

I must say I dont take it too seriously, or put another way I take it as seriously as I want to! I aim to enjoy the experience and not enter photos for the competitive aspect.

Having said that I find the WPF the best way to discuss all matters simple so I can understand why things are done in a certain way or not and to hear everyones' views.

I have certainly learnt so much since joining the WPF.


LindyJo 07-02-06 22:13

Are photography clubs mainly made up of men or are they a mixed bag of people? I am interested in joining one but get the impression that it will be mainly middle aged men, not that i have a problem with middle aged men but i prefer a good mix of people.

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