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purplebyron 22-07-06 11:37

please respond
ok .. i dont know how to say all these things, but i will attempt to voice an opinion on matters which concern me.
I have concerns on this site regarding the opportunities which this web site has given us (people interested in photography) - which are huge.
I feel there is a lack of energy and discussion about the pictures that people post, is this site just for placing our efforts and people from where-ever just browsing and then leave without leaving something of their thoughts and opinions. Or is this a place in which great things regarding photography can be digested and expressed and debated.
Sometimes i take a picture and i dont know whether it is any good or not, so i post some undecided pics hoping for some honest critique and realise that the critique forum is not a bustling place filled with ideas and opinions... why?

what is the function of this site?
How do i become a better photographer?
i believe there has been enormous efforts on behalf of the people who created this place, giving us the opporunities to discuss and present work, so bettering our ideas of what works and what doesnt work in the world of photography.

is this web site a place for polite infrequent conversations, where anonymous ghostly photographers visit and dissapear without leaving a mark or comment?

This is a place where valued opinions potentially exist
this site to me is a place where i try out new ideas and really want opinions on what i place on view, i dont mind and welcome harsh critique. I wish people hung about more and ventured deep into the forums where things could be discussed in depth ... this site is brilliant, the opportunities are enormous, it just seems very ephemeral and transitory ... anonymous people placing anonymous pictures.

Al Tee 22-07-06 12:03

Ah with both feet so to speak!...I'm with you here Purplebyron...great site but feel the critique area is a place where members fear to tread, settling for posting a photo in the applicable category in the hope of a polite comment...I do it but I suppose, (feel), I've been sucked in to following everyone else as that's the done thing on this site.
I'd like to see far more posts in the critique category, I'd like some sharp ctiticism, no doubt I'll like some things & not others, heed some criticism & disregard other. I'm not going to improve otherwise!
Well, I'm going to post my future pics / images in the critique area...anyone else feel the same?

Nogbad 22-07-06 12:20

Hi, I dont think other members make comments for fear of upsetting other members.

I get the impression many members are like myself, new to Photography, and perhaps feel their comments may not be valid.

Sometimes it's a case you may not have a comment to make.

I recently posted a critique of some Clematis Stamens. It had lots of views but no comments.

Thats OK as there were no harsh comments(although I take on board Criticism) so I take it people thought it was an OK image.

It is a great site and I visit when I can despite being busy.


Andy 22-07-06 12:58

In general, the main gallery is simply a location to show your images, it's not really the place for critique, as much because it's not set out in a forum style... the comments section doesn't really lend itself to discussion.

The Critique froum section seems reasonably popular, almost all images uploaded here will get feedback... though I do see you have been rather unlucky in not receiving any feedback as yet. On any photography site, genuine critique from members doesn't come easily.

I suspect that the summer heat is having impact on the site (it's apparant on other sites as well), and a certain amount of lethargy is predictable during the heatwaves that are striking both sides of the Atlantic.


robski 22-07-06 13:03


Your point of view has been expressed many times before in various forms. Nogbad point is valid as a few members have not understood or taken mild comments on the chin. Photography is no doubt a process of leaning by your mistakes.

In some cases the photo just does not work and it never will regardless how hard you try. Other times it's the combination of subject and lighting conditions. Sometimes the subject maybe nice but it need something special or unusaul to set it off and keep the attention.

Images with obvisious errors are easier to critique than images which are well exposed, in focus, good DOF but just lack that sparkle or essence that was in the photographers eye. Remember the photographic medium cannot always capture the full latitude of the tonal range or the veiwer brain enhances what the eye sees.

In these sort of cases it is just best to ask "Does it work ?" or "Bin or Keep ?"

Snowyowl 22-07-06 13:17

I've posted various pictures on in the Critique forum and have received valuable feedback. I occasionally add comments to a critique thread but don't feel skilled enough to say very much. I don't usually post negative comments in individual's Galleries, that's their space and it doesn't seem polite to post negative comments there , only if invited to do so.
The real bottom line, I think, is that this forum is what we make it. If you (or I) respond to requests for critiques then that's all we can do. People can't be forced to respond. Just do your bit and hope that other people will do the same. If the Critique arrea is quiet it's because individuals like you and like me are neglecting it.
I don't find anything wrong with WPF. I wish I got more comments on my pictures but lack of comment often means that the pictures weren't interesting enough to draw comment and then it's up to me to post shots that catch people's attention.
As for technical discussion, there are/have been some excellent threads running in areas like The Digital Darkroom.
Now I'm leaving to look at the pictures that you wanted comments on and if i have time I might even post something of my own to be torn apart.:eek: ;)

purplebyron 22-07-06 18:09

well this is great ... there are people out there who feel the same way as i do.
i think we all know when we have a great pic, this is fine ... but i bet there are a large amount of pics in some folder somewhere taking up comp space that you can neither discard or know whether to keep, as someone above wrote there is a hell of a lot of subjective and personal association that goes with a pic ... its difficult sometimes to see the wood from the trees , this is where this site becomes invaluable .... from an objective stand point ..... i am enthused by the replies to this thread and i am warmed by the friendly and honest and like minded people in here .... many many thanks for taking the time to respond .... thanks people

purplebyron 22-07-06 18:13

one more point ... perhaps there should be a further forum thread that in addition of the critique room ... could be a simple one entitled ..... BIN OR KEEP

boff 22-07-06 23:35

Hi as a serial lurker of long standing, I recently decided that this was a site where i could finally "come out of the closet".
this post made me think about what I take,without putting back. I have seen countless photos both good and bad, and felt that as the photographer had put it up then they were happy with the shot.
my idea has always been,i shoot what i see,i show you what i saw.[countless rolls of film in my OM10 made me that way].I see now that some people have a different philosophy, so in future when asked i will try to leave some idea about why i like or dislike a photo. my kids gave me my user name,and as they are always RIGHT! it may take me a bit of time to change.

PS had to do this late because of the laughter i hear behind me.

Christine 23-07-06 00:38

I do not think it does any harm to make a comment on a Gallery shot,as such.I have done this a couple of times myself on BF.If you can see that someone could have improved the image,or you can see where something has gone somewhat wrong,I think it is kinder to mention than just to view the image and make no comment.I think the poster would be grateful for having any problems pointed out.I know I would.

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