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Gidders 21-10-12 21:45

Is POTW Dead?
Just sent in my vote for this week & Ok so I dont manage to vote every week but a POTW hasn't been announced since 15th Sept :confused:

And I appreciate the time the mods put in to make this forum work... but has this got a future?

Tugboat 23-10-12 12:00

I haven't even bothered to vote the last couple of weeks,after checking through all the images each week & making my vote I kept looking for POTW and nothing was happening...I think it is dead & buried for the moment...shame, as it was something to look forward to each week.

postcardcv 23-10-12 16:01

To be honest with you after the last one that I posted up the number of people voting dropped down to just a couple and since then the most has been three one week. Down as low a one on occasions. I guess the new way of doing it that we tried didn't work after all. If someone can think of a better way then I'm happy to try something new. However the lack of people voting each week left me assuming that most were not bothered by POTW.

miketoll 23-10-12 18:10

I could not vote for a couple of weeks as I was away from a computer then when I could access the internet I could not remember exactly how to vote nor could I easily find how to do so so I gave up.

graham harcombe 23-10-12 22:41

That's a shame, but with numbers a low as that it's not really representative.

I honestly can't think of another way other than a small group of regular members doing the choosing and posting. But that's 'back to square one' isn't it?

omalanrf 24-10-12 03:49

Guys I know Im new to this forum and please dont think Im stepping on any toes. Ive took a quick read through this and I mean quick so forgive me if its been covered, The forum has 6477 members and out of that number, how many are regulars? I love the thought of POTW as it gives us all an extra jump of interest into photograhy and a great reason to use the forum on a regular basis and from what I cant read, some find it hard to vote, some are not always here to vote, So why dont you try POTM "picture of the month". Each person gets to send in say 5 shots max, ie 10 regular members 50 shots in all, Then the moderator of the forum then pics out the best say 5 shots from 5 different members, then there put on a differnet section on the forum and the members are then allowed to vote on the 5 shots via some sort of forum voting system and that way even if you were away a week or two, you could still get you vote in..
Now Im sure there be alot of holes is this suggestion but they can be filled in through time but as I say Im only new to the forum and my spelling sucs btw..:)

Gidders 24-10-12 09:20

While I like omalanrf's idea in principle, with the challenge there is getting people to enter one photo for the fortnightly comp (guilty :o), and voting in general, I think this is making it more complicated and regrettably think it wouldn't work.


Originally Posted by graham harcombe (Post 52728)
... other than a small group of regular members doing the choosing and posting. But that's 'back to square one' isn't it?

Except if within that small group of regulars each week it was just down to one of the group to make the choice. The following week it would be down to a different person. if the group consisted of only four regulars + the two mods - each person would only have to do the choosing once every six weeks.

And another advantage of having one individual choosing is that perhaps they could include a couple of words saying why they liked that particular photo.

Ok so you might say that the choice of one person isn't representative, possibly not, but then because each of us perhaps look for different things, we would get a variety of styles & types of image.

Also you might say "I dont feel qualified to choose" but it is a personal thing, you know what you like. If you have voted under the present system, or in the fortnightly competition you are making a choice.

It would probably need one person to take overall responsibility for managing how it works & the rota but I dont see that as onerous once the system was put in place (my hand is up but happy to for it to be anyone)

Thoughts anyone? And people like the idea, any volunteers to join the panel?

graham harcombe 25-10-12 06:34

I would certainly go along with that and volunteer to be a panel member.

Tugboat 25-10-12 21:31

it could be worth a try,I would be happy to help,but I do get confused with the time difference.... what do the mods think?

Steve. 28-10-12 16:25

I too only just joined today and having only read through this topic and the one at the top of this sub-forum I wonder if another easier way of voting could be utilised. Obviously, I have no idea what has been tried before either.

Each photo in the gallery has a "Report Photo" link underneath it, click that, select "Other" from the dropdown and type "POTW" into the more information box....job done and voted. Members can now vote easier and as they are viewing the actual photo in the gallery.

On the admin side, emails that are received for a reported photo header can be filtered so that those with "Other" go to one location where they can be counted etc etc.


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