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Canon Man from 1993 11-07-09 20:26

Which magazine?
Hi all, I'm a bit off a bugger for buying magazines and I was wondering, is there any on wildlife or macro photography as those two are what I snap the most of.

yelvertoft 11-07-09 21:24

Hi Robert, I don't know of any in particular that cater for those areas, but I'm sure someone will be able to tell you if there is such a title.

Beyond magazines, I'd suggest you get out there and practice, practice again, and then some. You have a sigma 105, which is an excellent bit of kit, so no excuses there. Once you've taken your pictures, be really self critical of them. Take a look at them as an outsider would. What do you like, what don't you like about them. Think hard about the bits you don't like and try and figure out exactly why you don't like some aspects of a shot. Once you've done that, you'll be well on your way towards improving.

JAKE4 13-07-09 15:29

OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY, price £3.75. August issue covers both subjects.

walwyn 23-07-09 12:15

I gave up on buying magazines a few years ago. They've mostly become adverts, even the remaining editorial content is mostly thinly veiled articles trying to sell you something too.

The final straw was reading in one magazine a feature on macro photography that pushed the idea that a ring flash was an essential bit of kit. Unsurprisingly other articles in the magazine were best buys on ring flashes.

Joe 05-11-09 23:57

Blimey! it was more than a few years ago advertising was a very important inclusion for a mag!..... There's loads around that frequently have close-up macro articles in them, simply because it is a very popular area of photography. Best thing to do would be to go visit your local shop/ borders etc

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