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andy153 08-04-08 19:56

Some of my "Toys" for Rudra & Others.
3 Attachment(s)
Ok Rudra - I'm rising to the Challenge - Apart from the photographs of the old prints - most of my abstract work is done in Photoshop CS3 using NikSoftware plugins - Here is a Link to their Web Site in Europe:
They have other sites worldwide.

I use the four products shown on the Page:

Dfine 2.0: which is a noise reduction tool.

ColorEfex Pro 3: which contains 50+ assorted effect filters - several of which have multiple settings to play with, Eg: B/W conversion, Solarization, Foliage enhancement, Polarization, High Key, etc.

Viveza: A colour control tool.

Nik Sharpener Pro 2: A sharpener tool.

The main advantage of all these programs is what they call their "u point" technology. Basicall you can place one or more control points anywhere on a photo that you like - then - depending upon which of the above plugins you are using you can determine the area you wish to change/play with and precisely control just the area.

Here is the original of one of my posts Attachment 4113

I took this shot and converted it to B/W on Color Efex.
I then put the colour back in the beak with Viveza and created the cathchlight in the eye.
I then went to the background layer and created a new one by duplicating it and solarizing it with ColorEfex. I used a clone stamp to create the Cachlight on this one - taking the colour from the beak.
In CS3 I then created a suitable size canvas and having reversed the solarized picture I placed the layers on the canvas and cropped. I then filled in the border.
et voila!!
Attachment 4114

or voila!!
Attachment 4115

from a rather ordinary shot which was a little overexposed originally - Don't tell anyone but somehow I had set the camera at EV +1.7 - I have produced what I think is quite an interesting and acceptable shot??

Th "u point" technology is very, very useful - for a full explanation I recommend you visit the web site and look at the short videos they have such as this one which explains things far better than I can. Watch the introduction video - it explains what is common through out the range - exact control points.

All comments are gratefully received - even if you think it is rubbish - please let me know.

Adey Baker 08-04-08 21:45

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Andy, I reckon you'd be better having a play around with the duotone function in Photoshop rather than playing with filters that look too obvious

andy153 08-04-08 22:00

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Ah but Adey I think this sort of stuff is much more fun!
Attachment 4117

Adey Baker 09-04-08 07:16

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But you can do all sorts of things within Photoshop without resorting to third party plug-ins!
Don't forget the old 'rule' about Photoshop filters - 'try them once to see what they do, and never use them again!'

andy153 09-04-08 09:29

Hi again Adey - that's my trouble - I do use them again and again because for me this is the essence of my photography - seeing beyond the image. Many years ago I used to tour the camera club circuit giving talks about Cokin Filters and Abstract Processing. Digital for me opens Pandora's Box because in the computer I can do so much more and so much more quickly. I have just posted this

There are two old people centre right - Both faces were like hers - his has had the colour corrected with Viveza - I do not know how to be so precise and to do it so simply in Photoshop on its own - perhaps that's just me - but I prefer simple -

Thank you for entering this thread so enthusiastically - your comments and advice are always appreciated - Andy

Rudra Sen 09-04-08 09:51

Andy, thanks for starting a thread like this. I have a feeling this thread is going to extend..

Third party plug-ins have their restrictions and if you ask is the case for most of PS filters too. Not all the time but most of the time.
I totally agree with Adey's comment like..

Originally Posted by Adey Baker (Post 28214)
Don't forget the old 'rule' about Photoshop filters - 'try them once to see what they do, and never use them again!'

At the end of the day it's interesting to know what these third parties are developing and even more interesting to play with them. How much of it is going to be used in actual application is the question. :)

andy153 09-04-08 11:27

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks Rudra - I agree a lot of filters are interesting to play with and may never be used again - but there are some that are invaluable. How many of us use Noise reduction and Unsharp mask without thinking? They are often the last two things we do to an image. I am not a technically good photographer, ie image in camera is pin sharp, exact dof, perfect lighting and white balance etc. Most of my stuff is "snapped" and needs some post processing. But what I find so useful about the Nik software is its precise control and how it does not spread into areas I wish to leave alone. Also it is non-destructive of the original. I would recommend people to follow the links to Nik in the first post and watch the learning videos.
I feel that these filters may be very useful to those who specialize in portraits, weddings etc because selective use may mean the difference between having an album/portfolio and not - particularly for those of us who cannot afford a camera tied to two 30" Apple Displays where each shot is checked in Aperture or it's equivalent as it is taken - face or dress slightly off? a quick fix of that part of the picture with the appropriate Nik filter saves time.

Here is a crop from the Spring in Bury post showing the older man and woman - their faces were "burnt out" a little and have been restored with Viveza.

Attachment 4119

place control point - size to face - alter saturation with live preview - done

Chris 09-04-08 11:52

Andy, I think most of these things, apart form the play filters, are an integral part of Capture NX

However in a way that is the point, capture NX is for optimising an image, CS for playing with it and turning it into something else. However you might still be better of shooting RAW and doing most of the work in NX and only transferring to CS for pics you want to mess around with

andy153 09-04-08 12:03

Hi Chris - Interestingly, Nik Software bundle their stuff with Capture NX - and I have to admit it is a program I have never really got to grips with. Now I'm on holiday I'll give it more time - but as an avid Aperture 2 user ...... My trouble is I have too much software - CS3; Lightroom; Capture NX; Elements 6 and more!!!

Rudra Sen 09-04-08 12:48

Andy, I need some time to reply on this. I should be able to do that as soon as I reach home... Say in couple of hours.

As I thought before...this is one rocking thread!!

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