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wolfie 12-12-12 10:47

Is Adobe trying to rip us off?
I am of course referring to Adobes upgrade to CS6 which is only available to users of Adobe Creative Cloud on monthly subscription.

No more upgrades for me if this is the way they treat their loyal customers.


wolfie 09-05-13 14:10

It would now appear that upgrade to CS6 has been taken off the market.


robski 09-05-13 15:08

It would seem that Adobe are trying to push folk like us in the direction of Lightroom

wolfie 09-05-13 17:56

[quote=robski;53690]It would seem that Adobe are trying to push folk like us in the direction of Lightroom

I thought most of where already using Lightroom:)

surfg1mp 10-05-13 11:44

I was annoyed when I first read this, but after reading Scott kelby's explanation it seems to make some sense. The really annoying thing is as always us Europeans get shafted on the subscribe to Photoshop for a month it costs the Americans $20 but will cost us £20.....I guess there's nothing new there.

The way I read it is...... If you have cs6 (which I have), and lightroom 4-5, (which I need to upgrade too, running 3 at the moment) You will be pretty good until there comes a time when you need new features or your new camera isn't supported. Then I guess you will have to sign up.

sassan 18-05-13 01:24

Is Adobe trying to rip us off?

Yes they are. And that is not a new thing only magnitude is ridiculous this time.

I will not subscribe to Adobe cloud and this might be the best time for the competitors to shine and pop as many are actively looking into photoshop alternatives.

surfg1mp 19-05-13 20:55

Being a pc user I do a lot of my work using lightroom. I know mac users can use aperture, does the pc have a lightroom alternative? If not im pretty much forced to go with adobes cloud.

andy153 19-05-13 21:38

I am a Mac user. I own Photoshop CS5, and have bought all the upgrades since CS3 and paid a small fortune for earlier versions. I have also downloaded the trial version of CS6. And own Lightroom 5. Am I being ripped off by Adobe.....??? YES without doubt. I live in North Wales where Internet speeds make snails seem fast and Adobe want me to use a Cloud *&+&*&ˆ% !!! and PAY for the privilege:mad::mad: In America, the price structure may be OK but here in the UK and Europe, it's pure rip off. I'm not going to rush into any monthly extorsion, but as with all these products, if they turn out to be worth the expense then......???:rolleyes:

chaoye 12-12-13 05:59

If you have cs6 (which I have), and lightroom 4-5, (which I need to upgrade too, running 3 at the moment) You will be pretty good until there comes a time when you need new features or your new camera isn't supported. Then I guess you will have to sign up.

wolfie 12-12-13 13:24


Adobe have now made the cost for photographers a much more realistic £8.75 per month.
Problem being, is this a sprat to catch a mackerel? as there's no indication as to what the cost will be after the first 12 months.


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