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dorsetman 20-04-12 10:58

Seems very slow in here
Hey Guys

I am a member or a number of forums and as much as i like this one and its ease of use it does seem a tad stale in here. There is almost no new discussions and the only area which does seem to get refreshed is the gallery. I notice there is a good number of people joining and saying hello but none of these really seem to post anything other than the odd photo and then disappear again. Is there more we can do in here to encourage more new members and then keep them as i think this forum does have a lot to offer.


steve2005 20-04-12 12:37

I couldn't agree more. For a long time I've been very surprised how many newbies come along and don't get involved with submitting images or commenting on them. Also the amount of people who vote in the competition, or compete, is at an all time low with only 12 people voting last time.

miketoll 20-04-12 20:53

This topic has been brought up before and unfortunately no really strong ideas came up. The only answer seems to be that those who do post try to liven things up and hence encourage others to join in by example. I am as guilty as anyone at not joining in some of the stuff like the competition with no excuse apart from laziness and a lack of inspiration.

Arthur53 20-04-12 21:28

Need to have a think about this question. Wonder what other forums offer that WPF dose not? Could we copy some ideas?
One thing that bothers me is we have just about managed to keep "Fancy a go" running with a few members taking part. If so few joins in what we have or try to do then why should a new member hang around? Ok, got that off my chest.

Gull 20-04-12 22:32

If you have a section where people can link to their site / blog and then invite discussion etc that might help a bit - lots of people will post often just to get traffic to their site which is quite acceptable and rarely spammy.

Is there an 'off topic' area? That can keep people busy too. Been in a fair few forums on differing subjects, and have seen that work. There was even one I saw where in the 'off topic' bit there was ONE politics thread and ONE religion thread. Kick it off and let everyone get on with it! Call it 'The Dark Room'!!!


I'll shut up now.:D

Arthur53 21-04-12 09:45

There is an off topic area. "Over Exposed" bottom of home page.
I don't have a site but sounds like a good idea if people want to link to there site.

postcardcv 21-04-12 10:41

The problem with new members joining and then not contributing is something that happens in every forum on the web. As for how to make this forum more active, that is a very good question... One thing that I've noticed is how little activity there is in the equipment section, which in other photographic forums is often the busiest section. I'm not sure why this sects is inactive but I think it would help if there was more going other. I also think that sometimes responses to "what camera shall I buy?" or "which lens is best?" threads can be an issue. If someone asks the question it is because they want to hear opinions, not just so some can tell them that it doesn't matter! I'd also love to see some reviews being written by the members, some lens reviews with sample images would be cool (I will try and get some done in the next few weeks).

surfg1mp 21-04-12 12:03

This discussing has been discussed before a while ago.

I have been a member of this forum for a number of years. But sometimes find it a little stale! at times.

The way the photo of the week runs now is based on popularity rather than moderator opinion, this goes against new unpopular members.

Personally I like reading from the forums, but there is little activity so find myself having to go elsewhere to get my fix.

Think its a good idea to have a website section, where people can showcase their work.

Also think its a good idea to have a review section or/and a section to post links to good deals you have found on the web or in shops.

dorsetman 04-05-12 09:32

Hey Guys, there seems to be a clear issue with new members coming in, joining and then not getting involved. The first question is why do people join a photography site and its simple. They wish to get information and be inspired. There are many very knowledgeable people here who could really help newbie's.

Secondly I still don't get why there is not a poll for the photo of the week. Being bold I will say that the recent few months have seen some pretty dull photos win and I cant get why. Dare I agree that it seems to be based on popularity than the actual skill. Some of the best technical shots on here have not even been commented on or looked at as they too quickly go to the back of the pile when more come in. Surely a poll each week for the 10 best shots is the way to go. Its crystal clear then as to what is doing well as you can follow the progress of the voting.

Thirdly, why not do the reviews like the idea suggested above. I am always looking elsewhere for reviews on equipment but I would rather stay in one place for it. This could be a great retainer for visitor traffic and they would remember where they found the reviews and if the moderators were clever they could link to reviews elsewhere until we have a few. I am sure this could be reciprocated.

Fourth, I think that we have an ideas thread that's open all of the time so that more of this feedback can be generated more regularly.

Come on guys, what do you think?? Add your thoughts to this thread.

dorsetman 04-05-12 09:36

I just thought, can we partner up with a camera shop to offer a discount to members here in return for special offers and reviews and info etc. Perhaps a camerashop corner in the topics???

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