Thread: please respond
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Old 20-10-06, 20:59
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Gosh I have not read every post as my head spins but I hate the idea of a points system as it would make people judgemental and the whole point of a critique forum is to hear what people have to say. Why do people like/ dislike an image and how/why do they think it could be improved? Constructive helpful comments is what is needed given in a friendly manner not forgetting that there is no definitive judgement as what makes a good picture is a matter of opinion. Peoples thoughts can then be considered and taken on board or not as one feels appropriate. I look at other peoples pictures and think to myself '' why do I like or dislike this picture and how would I do it and why.'' Or perhaps how did they do it? In other words I try to learn from other peoples shots and if they want my comments I will give them if they might be useful (assuming I have anything worthwhile saying) while remembering that all commments are only a matter of opinion and I may well be wrong. Keep it friendly and constructive!
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