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Old 03-12-06, 11:06
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miketoll miketoll is offline  
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At the moment I have all my pics on the hard drive (43 GB pics) which does not slow things too much at present. If it does the simple answer is use the programme to copy the photos to an external hard drive and leave just thumbnails in the organizer part of the programme which will ''fetch'' one for you off the external drive if you want it. Quick and simple. You can get a new 400GB external hard drive for just under £100 at the moment from pixmania including postage. I back up all my photos to two hard drives at the moment (safety in numbers) using elements and the programme will automatically reinstall them if necessary. I used to backup to discs but when the worst did happen the new computer could not read some of the discs so lost some shots for ever. Tags are the key to the organiser and several tags can be attached to a shot so cross referencing is easy. Make you own tags so under say birds you could have each species and another set of tags for say places and when the tag is clicked the photos come up accordingly. You drag a tag onto the photo you want it to refer to and thats it. Will take a lot of work in the first instance if you have lots of shots but it does not have to be done all at once and there are long nights ahead! It only takes a short time to do each time you download new shots so it is not onerous once up and running. Hope this helps and ask if you want anymore info or if I have not been clear.
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