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Old 12-12-06, 21:48
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Originally Posted by Sharnbrook View Post
I think it's rather disappointing that with 24 entries, there are (at this stage) only 27 votes. Does this mean that only 3 people out of a membership of 1861 (excluding entrants) have bothered to vote? If so, then maybe some consideration should be given to encourage voting by giving the appropriate forum more exposure say, on signing in. I suspect that some entrants probably haven't voted either, so that they don't vote for the "opposition", thus increasing their chances. I always was a cynic though.
Just a thought, what does anyone else think?



PS, I voted, (and not for myself,) but it was a difficult choice, as there were several really excellent entries.

I also voted, and not for myself. I agree with the comments in Foxy's and Duncans post, but do not know the answer. The mods have used a " Vote Now " pic, in the latest gallery pics before, that has been daily rolled to the top, but relative to total membership the number of voters was not what it may have been.

For this months comp I initially thought there would be a very limited entry, as the subject required quite a bit of thought, but not so. LOTS of very good pics so the decision was quite difficult.

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