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Old 06-02-07, 22:21
Leif Leif is offline  
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Originally Posted by Jon Sharp View Post
I recently recall a conversation with someone in respect of various media cards. It could be one of those urban myths I'm not sure but he took great delight in informing me, like PC processors there are only a few companies who manufacture the cards and then badge/label them accordingly. So off the same production line Jessops cards may be sitting next to Fuji's etc.

It's a bit like the sport top syndrome, you can choose to pay a premium price for the luxury of advertising, (i.e. wearing), a branded/logod spots top...

It's true. Both CD/DVD media and flash cards are made by a relatively small number of manufacturers. There is a wide variation in quality of CD and DVD media. I'm not so sure that is true of flash cards. But if you pay more, you get higher read/write speeds.

I would not expect Jessops cards to match the best. The latter tend to be high speed, which is where the cost lies.
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