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Old 19-02-07, 21:42
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Originally Posted by robski View Post
Just to review the debate on suggestions for change to date.

Don Hoey I feel would like to see some sort of change but maybe that was just the beer talking.
RULE : In the event of an overwhelming number of entries Moderators and Admin will decide on a final short list, in this event any Moderators or Admin who entered the competition shall remove their own entry.

Question : What is an overwhelming number of entries given that membership currently stands at ..... Members: 2,078 rising.

In the last comp Christine, as a mod, had her entry withdrawn without the mods needing to vote on overwhelming entries as the field was 31. I noticed it was missing as it was due my vote. With this image removed we then had a field of 30 pics. I was not a ' Happy Bunnie ' as Christine always shows boundless enthusiasm for the comps and her encouragement to get members to enter is well known. For example Christines post 2 weeks in with only 3 entries at the time was the only reason I went to Norwich to get an entry for the Architecture comp. So in this case Christine, as a mod, having to remove her entry just to get to 30 really annoyed me. Now with thoughts of more than a single entry that would be as good debaring the mods from entering.


I would add a proposal, that as there are a number of members who do not normally enter the comp, as its not their thing, that we have a small panel drawn from those members to be called on in the case of ' overwhelming entries ', so freeing mods to enter if they desire. As the membership increases, and now that Foxy is posting a huge list of suggestions with the comp notice the ' overwhelming entries ' is most likely on the horizon anyway.

On Nigels suggested changes :
I have never been able to see the votes cast before I've voted. I may be the odd one out, and if so, I agree. Make it impossible to vote for yourself I also agree.

While agreeing that entries being anonymous would be ideal, I do not know how the system could handle that, as the pic would need to be attributable to the photographer at the end of the comp. A rule would then need to be added preventing someone with lots of positive gallery comments then deciding to add it to the comp. as anonymity would be lost.

A picture of the week is certainly an interesting idea. A thought though, I went walkabout ( workshop ) for 4 days to be faced with nearly 300 new pics on my return, and I have still not caught up. So if it was of the month I suggest that unless we had a specific gallery catagory then it could be very hard to make a nomination. On the up side some way of doing a pic of the week should encourage comp entries as any nervousness to enter should be diminished, pic of the week being from ALL gallery submissions on that week. One would also hope it would draw more into voting in the main comp too. Additional 52 winners per year.

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