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Old 26-02-07, 22:23
SeanKP SeanKP is offline  
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Thanks everyone. What you are saying fits in with what I've been experiencing. The cloudier the weather the browner the sky certainly. And taking the shot at dusk seems to result in a bluer sky as Leif's great shots prove and I have found with my own shots of Parliament.

Paul, I tend to agree with you that the effect can be quite pleasing but it is always nice to have an understanding of these things so as to be able to predict how a shot might turn out and possibly turn that knowledge to your advantage.

Finally, since posting the message I have revisited some of the shots I have taken recently and played with the white balance in ACR with some variable but occasionally pleasing results. I have gotten into the habit of always shooting in RAW anyway due to my underwater photography but I think it probably can be useful in a night shooting scenario too.
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