Yep, The demise of the original Velvia 50 was a bit daft, glad it's back too...However, as a personal favourite of mine the Provia 400x is the interesting one for me, and I'll be trying a roll or two once I get my hands on some.
What I have been pleasantly suprised about is Fuji's ongoing committment and development supporting film users. Certainly where Kodak appear to be pulling the plug, Polaroid slowly going to ground and Agfa already gone 'bump', it bucks a trend.
Yes, they'll always be the large format sheet film users for stuff like landscape, and medium format studio stuff for those who can't quite afford the mortgage money for a digi back...but I'm most supprised and mightly pleased is 35mm film users haven't yet been left out to dry. We'll see.
BTW, this website and info was in this weeks news section of BJP (British Journal of Photography), which is only £2 a copy but unlike many photo mags has a mix of both film and digi news and articles.