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Old 30-03-07, 20:37
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Originally Posted by Jonathan Farmer View Post
As it stands, at present the Nikon DX format has its fair share of advantages over Canon's FF; but is pixel density going to be the down fall of Nikon's DX format for the future? Because Canon has a bigger format, they will be able to cram in more pixels in the future, and if Nikon don't have a solution to this, Canon will continue to get bigger and bigger as far as megapixles are concerned.

It will be very interesting to see what Nikon is going to do next, if they do go FF, there will be a lot of good DX glass that can't be used.

I will be holding onto my Nikon D200 AND MY MEDIUM FORMAT GEAR until the fog clears from the path of formats, I hope I don't have to hold onto them for to long a time. Nikon's next moove will probably be the deciding factor.



I have just tried my DX12-24 on the F3 as it has 100% viewfinder and shows no obvious vignetting from about 19mm on.That suggests even if Nikon did introduce a FF DSLR then most DX lens owners would not loose out by much. A couple of mm at the wide end.

A never ending debate on Nikon and a full frame DSLR. To keep this thread clean I will start another one as quite a few members here use FF DSLR's and it would be interesting to see the various motivations for going that route as we know for pure resolution of fine detail that is not a primary requirement unless you want 20MP in a 35mm body and have the cash to fund it.

I firmly believe film at 120 and larger formats will be around for a good while yet. Plenty of time for Phase One digital backs to fall in price. It will be interesting to see how many current MF users switch to the Pentax 645 ( if thats what they end up naming it ) once it finally hits the market. Origionally announced in 2005 to be 18mp it was displayed at PMA earlier, and at this weeks Tokyo Show with a spec at 31mp Kodak sensor. No doubt final price pitching will be well below Hasselblad H3D-31.

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