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Old 04-01-06, 22:49
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Originally Posted by robski
Hi Brian

I was looking at tripods and heads a few months ago. I first considered a ball head and after trying a few and talking to folk on birdforum I decided that was completely the wrong choice. A head like the Manfrotto 222 (vertical pistol grip) action ball is a bad idea because of the leverage between the point of support and the weight of the camera. Heads like the Manfrotto 486RC2 just go flop when you loosen and then difficult to micro adjust when you tighten. The only ball head I was semi-impressed with was the Manffrotto 322 ( horizontal pistol grip ) . Sorry these are UK numbers I don't know the US equiv.

I needed to support a 20D 300 F4 and 1.4 TC

This is the head I chose to partner my Giottos Inovator tripod.
I find it to be a real pleasure to use, but it's very heavy and at £90 Is more than Brian wants to pay.

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