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Old 14-06-07, 09:49
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Originally Posted by Leif View Post
No, you are going to an extreme...........In my opinion it is a matter of perspective and proportion.
Well I did say I was stirring a little and you make some valid points and I agree with the second part of the quote the only trouble is there are people who would take some of your arguments (however valid they are) to the extreme and don't even care what happens to the environment and the ''dumb'' creatures in it as long as it does not directly impinge on their lives. At one end of the spectrum there are Buddhists who sweep the pavement in front of them as they walk so as not to stand on anything so sacrosanct is all life to them to the other end where there are people who don't care at all. We all consciously or unconsciously make our own judgement and more importantly so do governments. Personally I still would not deliberately kill anything just to take a photograph however illogical that is. I am happy to agree to differ - Pax!
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