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Old 04-07-07, 12:53
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Originally Posted by Don Hoey View Post
Although the range of lenses for the Pentax may not be as wide as for Canon or Nikon this camera is compatable with Pentax KAF2, KAF, KA mount lenses. Although some functions may be limited with the KA range
You've missed a few out Don, it's also directly compatible with manual aperture KM lenses, and with an adaptor, the very old M42 lenses. With a different adaptor you can even use Pentax 645 medium format lenses. All with manual metering available. The only limitations with lenses that don't have an auto aperture setting is that the metering is set to centre weighted, no spot or matrix metering is available.

If you use the lenses you originally listed, there are no restrictions on metering/modes at all. AF won't work on the KA, but it's not an AF lens fit so that shouldn't come as any great shock.

In short, you can use any Pentax lens ever made, with at least some form of light metering. The K10D has the same lens compatibility as the K100D, this is an example of a picture taken using a fully manual KM lens (thanks Chris )

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