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Old 14-08-07, 23:08
YellowBudgie YellowBudgie is offline  
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Age: 52
Posts: 3
Default Looking for portable studio lighting

Hi Everyone!

I'm a regular at BirdForum. Same name.

I've started shooting indoors experimenting with some work lights and use a X10 light module (low cost light control). The work lights are the type that cost $10 and you can attach them someplace to work on an area thats normally not well lighted. The results are not bad but I would really like a solution thats made for indoor photography.

I'm looking to buy a portable lighting system. I was wondering if anyone has has found a set with the following options. 3 or more light sources that come with portable light stands (tripod like), umbrellas and a case. Two options I would really like to have is the ability to add color filters to these lights and to have control over the brightness with some type of numbers on a dial so I can write down settings.

I'm looking for a starter setup and not looking for top of the line. The $3000 kits look great but it's way out of my price range. I was looking for $300 to $600 but if the kit is nice I may go a bit higher.

Just curious if anyone has found anything like this out there.

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