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Old 29-08-07, 04:41
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Quite so, Walwyn. I think the info for novices theme in this thread is overdone - though there is some point to it. For me at least, it's more about interesting (but admittedly non-vital) info for people with some experience. I'm not sure what proportion of shots I want to see the EXIF info for, it's maybe one time in three that I ask myself the what camera, what exposure settings, what lens questions.

Actually, now that I think about it, the pictures I most often want to see the shooting data for are the bad ones! As Tolstoy observed (well, about families rather than photographs, but same thing) in a way good pictures are all alike - but bad pictures all have their own particular problems.

Edit: from EXIF data to Tolstoy in a single post. Dear or dear - I think I should get out more.

Edit #2: I forgot to mention Neat Image. And I forgot that the demo version doesn't save EXIF - well, it doesn't save TIFFS either, both of which are fair enough given that it costs you nothing. Can't give away the crown jewels.

Last edited by Tannin; 29-08-07 at 04:43.
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