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Old 09-01-06, 08:31
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postcardcv postcardcv is offline
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Having tried using scopes as a lens with both the APO77 and the AT80HD I would not recommend it.

Main problems I found were:
1. light gathering - poor light gathering means slow shutter speeds, which makes shake and bird movement a big issue.
2. lack of metering - this can cause exposure issues (though not so bad with digital were trial and error is easy) I found I normally ended up under expossing to push the shutter speeds up.
3. time consuming system - it takes time to remove the camera lens and scope eyepeice and attach it all together. This is far from ideal if you plan to combine birding and photography.

That said in good light it is possible to get good shots (though I always found them to be a bit soft). If you already have a scope and a DSLR then this is cheaper than buying a long lens, and will give higher mag. However a lens such as the Sigma 170-500 wouldn't cost too much more, will alllow AF and give better and more consistant results.
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