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Old 09-01-06, 20:03
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Adey Baker Adey Baker is offline  
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Originally Posted by Gidders
I did think of that, and at first, judging by the number of posts where there is no exif data, I thought that a lot of members were doing that. When I look more closely I notice that a lot of those posts have things like D70, or 20D, or CP4500 etc under equipment used, so why doesn't the exif show up. Is it because that they are using save for web to keep the file size down and this strips it out?

So here's a question - how many members are using film & scanning?
Not many scanning now, I should think, other than for digitising previous work.

I use 'save for web' which does indeed remove the exif data. It seems to appear better on-screen than a normally compressed jpeg at the same file-size.

One of the advantages of the competitions on the sister-website Birdforum is the inclusive nature which encourages everyone to join in. I think the more ambitious suggestions you're proposing might actually put off a lot of members. Some photo magazines use a similar format and I would imagine that a large number of readers never even consider entering, just leaving it to the dedicated few.

'Write when there is something you know: and not before: and not too damned much after' Ernest Hemingway
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