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Old 10-01-06, 07:03
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Adey Baker Adey Baker is offline  
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Originally Posted by Nigel G
I'm not sure what is being proposed here is so different to BF - that has a different theme each month - albeit within a common genre - but thats because the forum is dedicated to birds. If this one is to be dedicated to photography then surely there should be scope to broaden the horizons.

That said I sure one could come up with themes which give lots of scope for people to think as widely or as comfortably as they wish. Single word themes such as Wood, People, Indoors, Night, Colour, Buildings are extremely unrestricting but perhaps offer some simple challenges to help us diversify.

As to Exif I think its useful to see for other people to learn from but for those using film or wishing to "Save for Web" there could be an option/requirement to include the basic elements in the description.

And for date - trust people's integrity - its not as if there's millions at stake.
Well Birdforum only have the occasional prize competition and even then they had to restrict it to members who had been joined for at least a month to keep those away who were only after the prize and had no other interest in the site. Most months the competition is just for 'fun' to encourage everyone to join in. If every month is a prize-winner with all of them counting up to the 'big' prize it could get too serious for some.

BF also don't restrict the entry to photos taken within the previous month. It would be a crying shame if you took that once-in-a-lifetime shot in one month only to have the appropriate category two months away!

I understand what Gidders is trying to suggest - as I indicated it's similar to what photo mags do with their 'Photographer of the Year' competitions and it's meant to get you out taking photos regularly so that you're always alert to possible opportunities.

With WPF's gallery, though, the better your photos the more compliments you're going to get, so the incentive is already there

Of course, WPF isn't anywhere near to the size of BF (yet ) so getting sponsors for all the rounds and the final might be a bit difficult, anyway - a 'Trolley Dash' around Warehouse Express or one of the bigger Jessops branches would make a nice top prize, though, wouldn't it!!

'Write when there is something you know: and not before: and not too damned much after' Ernest Hemingway
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