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Old 11-12-07, 22:14
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John Hallas John Hallas is offline  
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Default Can you take a bad photo in the Himalayas

Last week I went to a talk by Doug Scott, the famous climber (first Britain up Everest amongst many other conquests). The talk was interspersed with many of his wonderful photographs of great mountain ranges and snow covered peaks.

There was one shot of a Sherpa carrying a large hamper like basket which was full of Doug's gear.

However the question is, given fantastic scenery, won't most people be able to take good (if not great photographs). yes, there will be many un-thought of angles and compositions but the basic mountain/hill tops will be quite similar in quality.

A point for discussion really

PS a sample photograph is available here

Incidentally there seems to be a good set of images in screensaver format in the links on the LH side of the above link
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