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Old 17-06-08, 10:05
Posts: n/a
Default NX 2 discussion & (hopefully) tips

following the flurry when it hit the download list, I have now changed (would like to have said upgraded) my mac powerbook to OS 10.4.11 which in turn enables NX 2.

Having run my 1st trial on a PC, I am disappointed that the interface is, if anything, even worse on mac than PC. Seems to assume one of those squarish monitors that you can lose 1/3 of height of on tool bars. Although some still float, they can no longer be re-shaped. As for the grey on grey sliders, polite words fail me, likewise on some of the near microscopic sub-menu text.

But it is evidently a more potent beast and really more of a rework than an upgrade. The modestly called 'quick fix' range, which I thought would be part of the browser toys ported over from View NX, is really seriously effective.

There also seems to be a change of emphasis from use of 'control points'/upoint technology to more serious selection and mask function enabling full range of tools to be deployed very selectively. I use to find upoint tweaks that looked fine on screen could show up and spoil prints. However, still too early to compare with what one could achieve with brush selection & full tool-set.

It is at present also possible to run 1.3 alongside for comparison (poor old computer, like taking a very old dog for a walk he enjoyed in his youth).

Will be very interested to see what further tweaks are made before it becomes more than a demo and has anyone (either of you??) found a route for feedback on it?
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