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Old 20-08-08, 21:56
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Originally Posted by Joe View Post
Sassan, are we sure that Canon did it first?
Didn't Tamron, Sigma, and some of the older more exotic older Zeiss glass come with a cream /white barrel?

I'm more likely to prang and leave marks on my Sigma than it is to over heat...I'm using a black camera body afterall....though what you say makes perfect sense...hadn't thought of that one

I reckon that Canon were before Sigma - didn't they make the old manual-focus FD super telephotos in white (600mm F4.5, 800mm F5.6, etc.)? The earliest Sigmas I can think of were a couple of zooms - 55-200mm and 150-500mm Apos if I remember correctly. Tamron's first 300mm F2.8 (non-internal focus) was quite a pale colour, I think, but I'm not sure when it first appeared.

I've got a 400mm F5.6 Sigma from the same era as your 300mm, Joe. The off-white colour certainly deflects heat from the lens - have you noticed how cold to the touch they are in the winter?

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