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Old 15-04-09, 08:19
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yelvertoft yelvertoft is offline  
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Originally Posted by charlieart66 View Post
  • Is buying a second hand camera a big risk? Do they break easily?
  • For good, detailed pictures do I definitely need a SLR?
  • What make or model should I look for?

Do they break easily? Not really, but it's all down to the owner and how the owner treats the items in question. If you try hard enough, you can break anything. I design rugged electronics for a living, I've seen things broken that are what I would have considered as "implausible". It's not the equipment that's the issue, it's how it gets used.

Do you need an SLR? It depends what you want to do with it, how seriously you want to take your photography, whether you are prepared to lug around a relatively big camera, what kind of pictures you want to take, how you're going to view them, who's going to view them, etc., etc. Only YOU can decide.

What models and brands? Any! It's all down to you and the bit of stuff inside your skull, not the bit you hold in front of your face. YOU take the picture, NOT the camera. You can give the best bit of gear in the world to a rubbish photographer and it will still take rubbish pictures. Your mate's Canon takes good pictures because your mate is a good photographer, not because he has a Canon.

Don't get obsessed by equipment, it's no substitute for ability, talent, experience, committment, practice, hard work........and so on.
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