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Old 21-05-09, 12:35
weeds weeds is offline  
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Australia
Posts: 28
Default Nikon SB600 vs SB900 HELP

Hi all,

I am looking round for a flash solution to complement my macro photography. At present I am using the Nikkor 105mm Micro and either taking pictures in the day light or using a light tent and trying to light the subject with a standard desk lamp.

I recently went to a Macro Photography course night and we got to play with a number of differrent set ups. My initial goal was to purchase the Nikon R1C1 or the R1 macro flash kit.

Whilst there I had a bumble around with a Nikon SB800 and slaved it wirelessly to my D90 and used it to light up my subject from different angles through various forms of diffusers. Needless to say that the result was excellent. I have decided now to steer clear of the R1C1 etc as I can use an external speedlight flash as a main flash for portraits etc.

The question I have now is do I buy the SB600 or fork out the extra green for the SB900?

Is it worth buying the SB900 over the SB600 seeing that its mainly going to be for macro work and portraits? Do I need the extra power? What are the differences?

Your thoughts please.

Last edited by weeds; 21-05-09 at 12:59.
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