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Old 21-05-09, 16:09
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Don Hoey Don Hoey is offline  
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My view is the simple answer is SB-900 or a used SB-800 to save a few dollars.
I am older technology, so my choice was between SB-80DX ( replaced by the SB-800 ) or SB-50 ( replaced by SB-600 ).

No contest and I got the SB80-DX.

When considering flash power GN, remember what you are doing today will likely expand in other directions often requiring more power. For example you mention portrature, so if you get a brolly that will immediately cost one stop plus of light depending on it reflectivity. Shoot through it and that will be 2 stops loss and so it goes on.

I believe you can NEVER have too much power with flash.

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