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Old 09-07-09, 16:28
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Alex1994 Alex1994 is offline
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Default New addition to my classic camera collection (perhaps))

Hi all,

I've been sniffing round eBay for a 35mm film compact rangefinder to add to my collection. I finally narrowed the options down to one of these three:

Canon Canonet QL17 GIII (I'm bidding on this now.) Excellent all-rounder, fairly recent.

Yashica Electro 35: this one has a good following for its robust construction, sharp lens and leaf shutter.

Kiev 4: The oldest of the trio, made in the 50s by the Russians using a design from 1930s Germany (the Zeiss/Contax III). Definitely has an 'old school' look, but the quality of 50 year old Soviet machinery remains dubious to me.

Are there any more that I should consider? I really want to actually use the camera and I don't want to spend more than £100 (No Leica M-series )
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