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Old 07-10-09, 19:18
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It's an interesting question, and probably quite apt considering the initial reports of sales of the new Leica M9....It may be guff or atleast part generous/wishful reporting, but according to Leica retailers some report people with top spec DSLR's like D3 and 1D are trading them in for the latest Leica offering. It is common to also see newspaper and magazine photographers using high spec compacts like the G series Canons too. This perhaps suggests more than a couple of photographers out there are asking themselves this same question.
Personally, I do quite enjoy the versatility of an SLR system, and to be realisitically and brutally honest, quite often it is the using of the equipment and taking of the photograph that generates as much pleasure, as getting the result.
primarily using Nikon film and digi kit, and some micro 4/3rds gear for experimenting with old lenses
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