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Old 27-10-09, 18:09
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yelvertoft yelvertoft is offline  
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Hello racki09, firstly a very warm welcome to the forum.

Secondly, I don't think you are going to find a rangefinder with film advance, maybe they are out there, but I can't say I've heard of such a thing.

Thirdly, "something preferably before the 80s." same sort of comment applies. Yes, you can get film winders for cameras from the 70s, but you're going to have to search good and hard. Also, cameras of this vintage have an assortment of issues associated with their age and (lack of) usage. You're going to be looking at something that's 30+ years old that will have light metering cells that haven't seen daylight in most of that time, the light seals will be shot, the mirror damping foam will be sticky, the battery will be obsolete (maybe), the metering will be inaccurate (probably), the motor wind - assuming you can find one - will have been sitting in a shoe box under someone's bed for a couple of decades and need a very good clean and service.

You really are asking for trouble if you want to use this sort of kit seriously. There's plenty of stuff from the 80s and 90s that will be easier to find, not be so sticky with age, have batteries that you can still obtain, not be so full of crud and dust.

If you're after small and compact, look at Pentax or Olympus as this was a quality that both prioritised. There's plenty of stuff on ebay from both manufacturer's going for pin money. Pentax ME Super - plenty of those on ebay and also working winders. Olympus did a winder for the OM series, but be aware the OM1 used a mercury battery that's now unobtainable.

Also, bear in mind that these cameras, much like any of the things you express an interest in, are manual focus, which may or may not slow you down, and will only typically shoot between 2-3 frames per second. Still, with film costs, that can soon get very expensive anyway.
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