Thread: Rollei 35 S
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Old 15-11-09, 21:53
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In terms of using it once or twice then selling for a few pennies profit, I'm very much of like mind....
As some will know here, before I switched to mainly shooting digi I was using Contax RTS kit and also had a Nikon F5. Once i realised the RTS system was quite collectable I sold it and made enough to pay for a D1 system (now updated to D2)....The F5 followed afterwards. The requirement for 8fps action capability from the F5 was satified by the D2h without the associated film stock costs.
I've since tried a number of other Nikon film bodies. (the Nikkorex F is on ebay as I type, F50,55, F70, F80 and F90x all tried, but those felt TOO much like a digi body LOL).....but have happily settled for an F301. VERY cheap S/H at the mo (so easily justified for occasional film use), incredibly underated as a camera with as much manual as I want or fully auto should I want. I would highly recommend it to anyone (mines got the cheaper AAA battery baseplate, but if you see one with the more desirable AA baseplate, go for it!)
The bonus is most of my lenses used with the D2 system will fit staight onto the F301 (tho I have a soft spot for using older lenses on digi)
primarily using Nikon film and digi kit, and some micro 4/3rds gear for experimenting with old lenses
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