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Old 26-12-09, 18:56
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom
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Great postings. Can't agree with all of it, but the market for film kit has certainly has largely left the mainstream in many areas of photography, not least the hobbyist. However, in some specialist areas it is going strong.
Whilst some prices have fallen through the floor (quite common to see a s/h Bronica SQA body go for less than £100), some of the premium branded older lenses have actually gone up in price, in the secondhand market. Some users for example have realised how good some older lenses are on their newer digital bodies, sometimes even when directly compared to the more modern lens counterpart (e.g try Nikkor AI'd 28mm f/3.5 vs AF Nikkor 28mm f/2.8).
A nice MPP 4x5 will still sell for respectable money. Some Leitz, CZ and Cosina/Voigtlander glass truely deserves accolade, and is worth every penny, even though still so expensive by comparison to mainstream digital SLR manufacturers own glass.
primarily using Nikon film and digi kit, and some micro 4/3rds gear for experimenting with old lenses
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