Thread: TC Auto focus
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Old 08-04-10, 09:15
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Originally Posted by racing-eye View Post
maybe my problem is that im not using a 1D! I use two 30D's and none of them allow me use autofocus. I use a sigma 70-200 f2.8 and a 300mm f.4L and none of these allow the autofocus to work on the 30Ds
I was just wondering if the same problem occured with the Nikon D300?
If it doesnt im tempted to look at a D300 with a 70-200 and use a 2x tc with it and keep my canon 30D with the 300mm.
Im a motorsport photographer and think that the 70-200 with a 2x on would make a great backup/main camera
I have no experience of Sigma lenses but the 70-200/2.8 should AF OK with a 2x tc on any Canon body (inc 30D) as this only takes you up to f5.6 - AF would inevitable be slower with a 2x (as it will on any Camera/lens combo) but it is very strange if it does not AF at all. Could it be that there is a problem with the converter?
The 300/4 will not AF as it takes you up to f8.

FWIW I regularly use a f2.8 lens with 2x tc and AF is fine on both the 7D and 40D (it was also OK on my 30D before I sold it).


Last edited by Roy C; 08-04-10 at 09:21.
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