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Old 13-04-11, 16:00
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byteme byteme is offline
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The arrival of the 7D bought with it a 19 point AF system with a 8 frames per second burst facility making for a sort of 'mini 1D' type of camera. The body is built of a robust magnesium and was unashamed it is designs toward the high end amateur / semi pro market.

This pushed the old 50D backward - a superb camera but Canon needed something to fit between the 7D and the 550D - the creation of the 60D was aimed at the enthusiast photographer who would enjoy the video capabilities more that most 7D users.

The 60D is built of strong plastic but inside are very similar components to the 7D (although it only has a 9 point AF system and less frame burst capability) - it also has a variety of features such as "creative filters" to give (for example) grainy B&W or Toy Camera looks.

I have used both but own a 7D - that probably says enough - I chose the 7D for the solid as a rock feel and use it for photography 'pure and simple'.

The 60D has 'dumbed down' the 50D with an array of other uses that are so very suitable for those who want a camera that does those sort of things.

Do I regret spending 30% more for the 7D - "No!" - its ideal for sports photography (fast frame burst) and the 1x magnification and 100% coverage through the viewfinder is far superior to the 0.95x and 95% of the 60D

They are both good cameras - I just think the extra 30% in cost is well worth it - but as with all things - you pays yer money you takes your choice........

...........and I am sure someone here will say the reverse to what I have said
"It ain't what you say - it's how you say it!"
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