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Old 15-08-11, 15:07
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miketoll miketoll is offline  
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Super lens you have got yourself, whether it is the standard 100mm f2.8 0r the L version.
Ideally for none moving subjects use a tripod, remote release and mirror lock up. Many macro shooters use manual focus or a focussing rail in conjunction with manual focus. You need to stop down well, say f11-f16 to give a decent depth of field (DOF) and low ISO settings for maximum quality
Lazy casual types like me use servo autofocus (spot focus area on the subject like an insects head), highish ISO settings to keep shutter speeds up and to be able to handhold successfully. Sinful I know but this is often more practical if shooting insects outside. Camera shake and subject movement are quality killers, it is amazing how a very little wind makes an enormous amount of movement when viewed close up. Flash can be useful but I usually use available light sometimes with help from the pop up flash.
Hope that helps and is not too sacrilegious to the macro purists out there! Experiment and see what works best for you.
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