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Old 11-10-11, 10:15
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Default Your Nikon D7000 experience??

Good Morning

I had intended to set out and buy either a Nikon D5100 or a Canon EOS 600 but over the weekend went to Park Camera in Burgess Hill, West Sussex and was offered more help than you can imagine.

Anyway I did what many of you suggested and played with the cameras and got a good feeling for what felt right in my hands and was surprised to say that I just did not like the feel of the Canon at all. I am not a snob and feel fortunate to have some money to buy a nice camera but I felt the Canon was light, too small for my hands and far too plastic like. Now I wouldn't have felt this before but I held a Nikon D90 before the Canons and it felt so much better. Yes it was heavier and more bulky but I loved the feel of it and I liked the layout. Anyway I got a little extra money from work this week and after being shown various cameras from the Nikon range I am now looking at the Nikon D7000. I loved the D90 but wanted something newer and I firmly believe in buying the best you can afford so with your help and before I commit, can anyone here tell me of their experience of this camera, if any have it??

Oh and please don't take offense to my Canon comments, the 60D was a different kettle of fish all together!
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