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Old 12-08-12, 09:08
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Default POTW is coming back in a new way

We've been trying to work out the best way to run the POTW competition and think we might have a system that most will be happy with. There were some clear issues with bassing it on number of gallery comments but also it being choosen by the mods doesn't seem ideal either.

So here is the new system which we will try and see how it goes (obviously we can make alterations if needed). Each member will be able to email their choice for photo of the week to 'wpf-potw @' (without the gaps) they will need to include the title of the photo and the name of the member who took it (and a link if possible). This way each member will get one anonomous vote each week, a mod will then collect the votes and post details of the POTW up on the forum.

I would ask members to email their choice after midnight GMT on Saturday and before midnight GMT on the Monday (choosing between photos posted upto midnight GMT on the Saturday). The result will be posted onto the forum in the following days.
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