Thread: Best tip ever
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Old 04-11-12, 18:00
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postcardcv postcardcv is offline
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The best advice I was ever given was to keep things as simple as possible. When out and about I keep my camera in the fail safe P mode so I am ready to grab a shot if the opportunity arises. Once I have bagged some shots I will then start to take more control and set the camera how I wanted it for the given shot. As I shoot wildlife being able to grab a shot without worrying about camera settings means that I am more likely to get the shot and also more likely to get the composite right. Some people wouldn't agree with my approach but it works for me so that's what I do.

I'd definitely recommend finding your way rather than thinking that you have to shoot how the 'experts' do. I know plenty of wildlife photographers who use back button focusing and always use manual exposure, but it's just not for me. Does it make me less of a photographer? To be honest I don't care if it does so long as I can get results that I am happy with.

The other thing that I would suggest is always having a camera with you. I am a bit obsessive with this (sometimes to the annoyance of my wife and kids) as I do not leave the house without a camera. It can become a slight hassle but when you bag a good photo that you might have missed it seems worth it.
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