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Old 09-11-13, 16:18
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Thanks guys, really interesting. I had a little play with the Canon EOS M at the bird fair and I must admit it seems rather nice but did not really give it a long enough play to even begin to form an opinion. One of the downsides is that any long focal length Canon lenses are just as big and heavy as they always are if you see what I mean! I had a brief look at the new Panasonic GX7 too which again seemed really nice and I liked the fact that it has a viewfinder which would be much better for use with a long lens than using the screen on the back. Nicely balanced and still light with the Panasonic 100-300 on. One downside is that servo focus with tracking will not be too hot so BIFS are probably out. I guess I too am looking for the perfect lightweight small camera with no drawbacks but it is still not available. How does the micro 4/3 compare noise wise with a a Canon DSLR like the 70D or perhaps more relevently with the 100D which is a remarkably compact DSLR?
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