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Old 11-11-13, 23:54
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Originally Posted by miketoll View Post

I guess I too am looking for the perfect lightweight small camera with no drawbacks but it is still not available.
Well, there are always going to be compromises (drawbacks, if you like) with any format. It's probably all down to the type of photography one does.

If you're a landscape specialist then the m4/3rds system will probably not stand up to close scrutiny against a so-called 'full-frame' camera. Of course, 'full-frame' is based on the 35mm film size, which only a few years ago would not have been considered by many landscape specialists with their 6x7, 6x17 or even 5"x4" cameras. How many of those are now happy with a D800 or 5D Mk111 and wouldn't want to go back to lugging around one of those heavy monsters?

As I commented earlier, I bought my Olympus mainly for a lightweight holiday camera, but I'm impressed enough to consider it as my main camera - providing that they bring out that high quality long telephoto lens.

One point worth thinking about - if one has got thoroughly used to a particular system over a number of years and then one buys a smaller camera just for those occasions when one doesn't want to carry the familiar camera around, then you'll probably be disappointed with it. Not only will you not have got used to using it instinctively, but the very fact that you're only taking the 'second' camera out probably means that your intended subject isn't going to be that important, anyway. So the resulting pictures won't be amongst your favourites.

'Write when there is something you know: and not before: and not too damned much after' Ernest Hemingway
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