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Old 07-01-15, 23:37
robski robski is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Kent UK
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My thoughts on the topic, much debate in this area has been held since the site was set up in 2005. Some of the issues cannot be overcome because of the limitations of the forums software.

To be honest the site has become a picture viewing gallery and very little on the discussion and activity of photography. Some past members were very active on DIY projects and tutorials.

I would be highly surprised if more than 50-60 members could be considered as regular over the past year. The annual birthday e-mail may prompt a few old members to stick their nose for a short period.

During 2014 my photography has had to take a back seat due to my wife's health issues over the past 12 months. The local hospital has almost become my second home.

With regard to the Fortnightly Challenge I do keep an eye on it's activity and try to enter if the subject inspires or is possible in my rural location which does not lend itself certain subject matter.

With regard to voting ( I maybe wrong but I notice a pattern of many entries just getting 1 vote) I feel there is an element of some folk voting for themselves either to increase their chance of winning or just to see how the voting is going. Personally I feel you should not be allowed to vote for yourself. In recent times when I've entered I've never voted for myself and only voted for a image with merit and usually from a newcomer rather than one of the regular winners.

How you attract and keep new members has been an age old problem here. But I can't help feeling that a steady and constant flow of information, discussion and activities is part of the solution. To be honest if I want to keep up with the buzz on photography I pop over to birdforum or dpreview.

Those of us that have stuck through it thick and thin over the years have become good friends even though we have never met in many cases.

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