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Old 08-07-16, 10:46
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Dave, from the photos that you've posted, I can see where coming from.
Although I don't know how members of the judging panel think, let me explain my thoughts on the photos.
Four knights. Lack of context: could be taken anywhere, just four guys dressed as knights. No compositional merits: just in a straight line does nothing for me. I would have considered taking from the side. No drama: perhaps have the knights lower their lances, coming to a point in the FG - would have added interest and given lead-in lines.
A competent record shot only.
Butterfly Nice sharp image with the insect set off well against blurred BG.
Would put it on shortlist for POTW, but would need to consider other photos.
Two flowers One is in bright sunlight and overexposed whilst the other is in shade and underexposed.
No photographic merit.
Two ladybirds (ladybugs?) Good angle - at the insects' level. However, only the face of the upper insect is in focus and the grass obscures the lower one.
A good attempt but not POTW material.
Beautiful Mum Very good concept and work. I can forgive the slightly overexposed mug given the lighting conditions.
A worthy contender for POTW.
Night scene The lighting and colours grab the attention. Vertical lines are vertical. The buildings at the side nicely frame the BG and keep the eye in the image.The road leads the eye to the BG.
On balance this would be my POTW - just beating 'Mum'.
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