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Old 08-07-16, 23:02
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all this proves is the best photo ( night scene) was picked for POTW.
and the rest have different opinions,
I would choose the 4knights 2nd because living in Australia I don't see that sort of thing, but I wouldn't be able to give critique on how to make it a better shot.

I forgot about the critique section,but that is the perfect place if you or anyone else would like feedback on your images.

I remember giving a suggestion once on a photo and I was promptly put in my place,so I never give suggestions on how to make something better because it is all personal taste.
some people do get offended by it,I am always grateful for other peoples opinions and that is why I tick the box for welcomed critique in the gallery.

I feel the same as Rob,I don't post to get into POTW gallery,but it is nice to get a mention now and then... I think most people posting here are just social and sharing what they have been doing...
I will still be choosing my POTW the same way, by going through EVERY photo for that week,choosing the ones that jump out at me then choosing the one I like best from that group. for me that is what POTW is all about the best photo for that week.

I have always stated that I am not qualified to judge or critique images,because I have no idea on the technical stuff, I just know what I like and have a hard time saying why I like or don't like something! it just jumps out at me and that is why I choose POTW.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. : Scott Adams
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