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Old 19-09-16, 22:44
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Adey Baker Adey Baker is offline  
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Location: Hinckley, Leics., UK
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I'm interested, but not particularly drooling. Just posted a few comments over on Birdforum where, no doubt, the improved focus tracking will be most appreciated - assuming it delivers the goods, of course! When the MkI first appeared they marketed it with some galloping horses coming towards the camera, if I remember correctly, but the camera never really lived up to the hype. I've had the original EM1 for some time now and over all it's a super camera but flight-photography of birds is most definitely not its strong point!

The firmware upgrade that brought the silent shutter mode opened up all sorts of possibilities and is quite brilliant in some areas but the rolling-shutter effect restricts its use to more static subjects. If they have improved this on the new model then they don't seem to be emphasising it anywhere in the press release (unless I've missed it somewhere).

The much hoped-for 'hand-held hi-res' mode doesn't seem to be quite there yet and the EVF is still the old 2.36Mp version instead of the potential 4.4Mp which has appeared on the newest Leica. They may not be deal-breakers but a top-of-the-range 'Pro' model that'll probably be sold for the next three years needs to start off with the latest technology - not slightly improved older stuff. Firmware upgrades can add some features, but they'll never upgrade the EVF resolution.

The weight has gone up as well - it's now the same weight without battery and card as the MkI is with these. Top quality cameras and lenses will probably always need to be bigger and heavier, but eventually, the original size/weight advantage of the m4/3 system will have vanished

'Write when there is something you know: and not before: and not too damned much after' Ernest Hemingway
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