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Old 23-03-06, 18:12
Ron Clark Ron Clark is offline  
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Bedworth
Posts: 65

My expereince Don is pretty mixed in that I first started using a darkroom at the school photography club in the early 1960s. After that I let it all go by until I was stationed in Cyprus while in the army in 1978/9 and had access to the unit darkroom there. I haven't done any since then until just this few weeks when I enrolled in this course we're doing at North Warwickshire College.

What's puzzling me though is the instructions say that the 1 litre pack of ID11 will process 10 films - yet using 2 spolls takes up 600mls of solution and I can then do another film with the remaining 400mls. So where does the 10 films come from? The only way I can see this is by re-using the solution and extending the processing time otherwise it's going to get very expensive if I was use it a 'one shot stock'. Anyway - I have the stuff and 2 HP5s to do and will get them done tomorrow but I will keep the solution in a sperate accordian bottle (I got 3 from Jessops in Coventry today), and when it's full use it again making the allownaces that the printout form your link suggested. But even so it looks at though 9 films will be the limit.

I suppose it's all just having to re-learn what I knew before and so on - but that's part of my problem really - I want everything done 2 weeks ago ;-)

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