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Old 15-06-06, 19:35
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Originally Posted by STS
Thanks for the first part of your reply, which may turn out to be useful.
The second part is (almost) amusing, since if you'd bothered to read post 3 you'd see that I had indeed made back-ups. Maybe quite crafty at snapping but not so hot at reading, lol?
Sorry if i misread your post

I aked the shop to drag all my photos and documents across to the new hard-drive, which they did.
I wanted to use PSE 3 on my new computer but had to buy PSE 4 for it; when I imported the photos from the 'Old Files' folder
But backing up your images and PSE Catologue to CD or DVD does not seem to be what you have done from this statement.

The Adobe Elements catolgue file is located at C Drive>Documents and settings>all users>Applications data>Adobe ...were these files dragged across as well as your images and documents or if you did back up the catologue to a seperate hardrive using this feature
Then the images AND catologue will be at that location you backed up to and can be restored.

As a beta tester for Elements 4 (and soon 5)I can say that if you have done the backup correctly then restoring a PSE3 catologue to PSE4 should not be a problem.

Happy to have been of help in the first part and sorry you misconrsued my second statement and I will refrain from replying in future
Regards Paul
Regards Paul
One day I hope to be the person my dogs think I am.
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